קריקטוריסט לבר מצווה ואירועים - אור ויצמן

אור ויצמן קריקטורות -
email: orweitzman@gmail.com


mural in my bedroom

A real complex piece. This is, for whoever needs an explaination, the poster from the geatest movie ever, "Back To The Future". l started it when i was 15, i guess, at a time i thaught it would be cool...

Never finished it. I probably never will, but i keep getting back to it every few years and fix stuff from as i gain experience... last year i re-did almost the entire thing with wall-colors (the original was made in Gouache) but still, the initial sketch is flawed to begin with. so Michael J. fox turned out even shorter in the painting than he is in real life. poor guy. i kinda like him...

and up close...

before the renevation 2002

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email: orweitzman@gmail.com tel: 0507-969200

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